How Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain for Artists and Crafters
Many people enjoy arts or crafts as hobbies. From painting to knitting and quilting to woodworking, these hobbies may cause you to put an abnormal amount of stress on your spine. Consider these three ways in which visiting a chiropractor in Las Vegas could help to relieve your discomfort and allow you to get back to doing the things that you love.
Assessment of Your Posture
One of the first things that a chiropractor will check is your posture. If possible, bring your hobby supplies with you to your appointment so that you can demonstrate your techniques and posture to the chiropractor. The chiropractor will be able to see if you hunch over, strain your back or extend your arms away from your back in an unnatural position while working on your hobbies.
Manual Adjustment of Your Spine
To provide you with some relief from a spine that is out of alignment due to poor posture or overuse, the chiropractor may perform an adjustment of your spine after doing an initial assessment of your symptoms. A manual adjustment helps to get your vertebrae back where they should be. The cervical vertebrae often need adjustment in people who sit to do their hobbies, and the cervical or lumbar vertebrae may need adjustment for people who stand to do their hobbies.
Range of Motion and Strengthening Exercises
When stiffness and soreness are interfering with your hobbies, the chiropractor can show you how to do some helpful range of motion and strengthening exercises. Range of motion exercises increase your flexibility and help to prevent your vertebrae from pinching nerves as you move. Strengthening exercises are designed to help your soft tissues provide better support to your spine. Doing these exercises at home should help.