What Does the Cold Laser Therapy Procedure Entail?
One of the primary forms of treatment that can be administered by chiropractors is that of cold laser therapy. When provided properly, this treatment can assist in the reduction and eradication of spasms, pain, and swelling in the back and musculoskeletal region while also increasing a person’s overall functionality. The procedure associated with cold laser therapy is a relatively simplistic one that involves the application of wavelengths of light in order to enhance and accelerate the process of healing.
How Cold Laser Therapy Works
Cold laser therapy is a type of procedure that works by applying wavelengths of light onto the injured or damaged tissue. The cold lasers that are used within this form of treatment are handheld devices that are around the size and shape of a flashlight. When the procedure begins, the laser is situated right over the affected area and is kept there for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. The duration of time that this treatment lasts largely depends on the size of the treatment area as well as the size of the dosage. The light from this laser passes through around 3-5 centimeters of skin and interacts with the cells in this portion of the skin. The light is absorbed by the cells, which helps with healing.
Conditions That Are Treated By Cold Lasers
There is an array of conditions that can be treated by cold lasers, particularly injuries that are mild to moderate in severity. Some of the conditions that this therapy can be used in the treatment of include arthritis, back pain, muscle strain, tennis elbow, and both acute and chronic pain.
Why You Should Consider Cold Laser Therapy
Laser therapy has many benefits that can assist with healing. For one, it’s a minimally invasive procedure that takes only a few minutes at most to complete. It’s also non-toxic and comes without any side effects or pain. When you are considering cold laser therapy in Las Vegas, make sure that the provider is a reputable one.