Three Painful Conditions That Could Benefit from Cold Laser Therapy
Many people deal with chronic pain in a particular area of the body. Inflammation of a joint, joint damage or a poor fit of the joint is often the cause. One alternative treatment that patients with certain chronic conditions might consider is cold laser therapy Las Vegas. People with these three conditions may find that the laser treatments are beneficial.
Osteoarthritis is a common condition in the elderly, but younger people can also develop it. Joints that get a lot of use, such as a runner’s knees, are particularly susceptible to the condition. The cold laser therapy is designed to promote healing of the cartilage and might help with the associated pain and stiffness of the loss of cartilage in the joint.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
People who use their hands to perform repetitive tasks for many hours per day, most days of the week may develop carpal tunnel syndrome. This is compression of the nerve in the wrist, and it causes numbness and tingling in the hands and wrist. If it is left untreated, it can lead to weakness and loss of range of motion in the hand. Cold laser therapy may help to reduce inflammation in the soft tissues and lessen the compression on the nerve.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Temporomandibular joint disorders are a common cause of jaw pain and headaches. They are associated with malocclusion of the jaws and bite. They can also be associated with nighttime grinding of the teeth. The area where the upper and lower jaws come together experiences a lot of wear and tear from speaking, chewing and tooth grinding. The application of cold laser therapy may help with the functionality of the jaw and with the reduction of swelling of the joint area and supporting soft tissues.