Common Everyday Behaviors That Could Be Causing Your Neck Pain
While most people associate neck pain with injuries from a car accident or a slip-and-fall accident, you might be surprised to learn that everyday behaviors could be causing your discomfort. Routine things that you do could be putting extra pressure on your spine and soft tissues. A chiropractor in 89120 offers evaluation and treatment of neck pain and can help you to identify your habits and behaviors that could be causing the symptoms.
Poor Posture
Sitting or standing with poor posture is a common cause of neck pain. If your shoulders are pulled forward, your neck is at an angle that is not ideal. The weight of your head pulls on the discs in your neck, causing an undue amount of pressure. Keeping your shoulders pulled back and your back straight reduces the amount of pressure on each disc in your spine.
Sitting for Long Periods of Time
Many people have to sit for a long time at their jobs or for their daily commutes. When you sit, the discs in your back become compressed. If you have to lean over in order to see a computer monitor, this further compresses and irritates the discs in your spinal column and the soft tissues that support them. An ergonomic desk setup could help. Adjusting the seat in your car may also help.
Stress and Anxiety
When you have too much stress or anxiety in your life, your muscles tense and contract. Your body also produces stress hormones that contract your blood vessels, reducing the number of nutrients that are able to reach your tissues. Managing your stress and anxiety could help with reducing neck pain. Some natural techniques for the reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms include massage, deep breathing, meditation, moderate exercise and talk therapy.