How A Kinesiologist Could Help With Your Marathon Training Program
When you are training for a marathon, you will need to start preparing many months in advance. If you start training too hard and too fast, you could end up injuring yourself. Working with a kinesiologist in Las Vegas could help with your marathon training regimen.
Stress Detection
A kinesiologist may ask you to perform certain stretches or movements with your body. This is a sort of stress assessment. The assessment is designed to detect which parts of your body may be overused, inflamed or not responding in a natural way. For example, a leg lift might show that your hamstrings are overworked from starting your marathon training too quickly or failing to warm up before you run.
Nutritional Improvements
Based on how your body responds to the stress testing and how energetic you feel before a training session, after a training session and after you wake up in the morning, a kinesiologist might recommend nutritional improvements. If you have low energy after a training session, the kinesiologist might suggest changing the timing of your meals or the amount that you eat in one sitting. You might also get some recommendations about which food groups to combine or which nutrients your body needs more of.
Brain Re-patterning and Emotional Clearing
Another important part of training for a marathon is the mental training. You need to get past the negative thoughts and thought patterns in your brain. Perhaps you tried to run a marathon before, but you quit training and didn’t enter the race because of low self-confidence. A kinesiologist may be able to help you with brain re-patterning and emotional clearing so that you do not have any more mental roadblocks. This sort of training could also help you in other areas of life.